Feeling Stressed? Breathe Less [Breath Hack #3]

In this post you'll learn a third breath hack in the breath hack series so you can reduce stress, overwhelm and anxiety.

If you haven't checked out breath hack one and two, where I shared two other powerful techniques that are super easy to do, just by harnessing the power of your breath, to reduce your stress, go do that now.

And then come back and watch the video below to learn this super...

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Feeling Stressed? Breathe Less [Breath Hack #2]

I recently shared one breath hack to help you reduce stress and anxiety. In this post, I'm sharing another tip on ways that you can breathe less to reduce your stress. If you haven't read the previous post and watched the video, do that now.

In this post you'll learn a simple technique to reduce stress and regulate your nervous system by harnessing the power of your breath.

I encourage you...

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Feeling Stressed? Breathe Less [Breath Hack #1]

What does your breath have to do with stress and anxiety? Well, pretty much everything. In this video I am going to share with you one simple hack for how you can use your breath to reduce stress and anxiety.

The key is always when you're feeling stressed, slow your breath. As you slow your breath, you start to calm your nervous system. And you start to feel more...

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DIY Super Immune Essential Oil Blend

If you're looking for simple, natural methods to support your health, you're in the right place. In this video I am going to show you how to make your very own immune boosting essential oil blend. And I call it the Super Immune Blend. It's a blend that I make and have been using daily for over a year, and I absolutely love it.

The oils in this blend offer powerful natural ways to support and...

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Breathwork for Self-Love

What does the word Self-Love mean to you? Perhaps old beliefs and programs from your upbringing cause you to equate self-love with selfishness or egotism. Perhaps it feels like it conflicts with certain religious views you’ve been exposed to throughout your life. Just sit with the word and notice how it feels in your body. Is there resistance?

Self-love is not selfish, egotistical or...

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How to Start a Gratitude Journal and Transform Your Day

What if there was something you could do in five minutes or less that had the potential to shift your mindset and transform your day? Well there is! There are many things actually, but in this post we are focusing on gratitude journaling.

Journaling is one of my favorite self-care, spiritual growth practices. I journal every morning, and my journaling practice evolves over time, depending on...

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Five Simple Ways to Bring More Gratitude into Your Life

How often do you feel grateful? How often do you think thoughts of gratitude?

If you’re like most people, it’s not that often. As humans, we have an innate negativity bias - to focus more on the things that aren’t right, that aren’t working. We were wired that way as a protective mechanism to keep us safe from real threats back in the day. These days it just keeps you...

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Use this Breathing Technique for Whole Brain Activation

In Pranayama the left and right nostrils and airway channels are called ida (left nostril) and pingala (right nostril). During the day you usually only breathe through one nostril at a time.

If you are breathing easier through your left nostril it means you are using more of your right brain, and if you breathing easier from your right nostril it means you are using more of your left brain...

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What is Your Word for 2022?

Over the past few years, I’ve enjoyed choosing a word for the new year that i want to embrace and embody. Rather than making New Years Resolutions, I would simply choose a word that would be representative of the year ahead.

This year, I was resistant to choose a word. 2021 was an incredibly difficult and challenging year in my personal life, and I simply wasn’t in a positive,...

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Are You Using Oxygen Efficiently? Do This 1-Minute Self-Test

We all know the importance of oxygen for health and vitality, so we want to be sure we're using the oxygen we breathe in efficiently. In this post and the video below, I'm going to share with you a simple test that you can do to measure your levels of oxygen efficiency.

This test takes less than a minute and is something that you can do every day and see how your levels improve over time. This...

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